Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time to play catch up...

Hi friends and family~

It's true~I have slacked for 6 months-this tends to be a trend in my life. One of these days I may overcome it. But, until then I won't hold my breath.

The last 5 months have been rough for my little family and I. There has been lots of emotions in our home~feelings of happiness, sadness, chaos, of being overwhelmed, consumed, feelings of love, fear, hope and anger. I have felt forgotten by others. All these feelings are part of life and with faith in my Father and Heaven and in His plan, I keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am continuing to learn and be reminded that people are not perfect. I certainly am far from it! If I have offended or made any of you feel sad, or dissappointed or angered I sincerely apologize. It is never my intention to make anyone feel that way.

So, now it's time to start playing catch up. I am going to start with current events happening since so much has been going on. Then I will start back dating. That's the nice thing about blogger. I like to make books for each year of my blog so I will be posting lots of new posts but with older dates. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Feel free to check back often and scroll down to older posts or not. It's up to you. This little blog of mine has been forgotten and I hope to remedy that.

Since I love pics for blogging~I will leave you with my morning surprise yesterday. Doug and I celebrated our 14th Anniversary (a seperate post on that soon).


EmmaLee said...

Well we can't wait to hear more. I hope all is well. I feel like Bob and I are pretty out of touch with everyone being so far away!

Anne said...

We think about you guys a lot (especially when we think of the chaos of the education system!). We can't wait to see and read more on your blog. I am really bad about keeping in touch so it is great to be able read everyone's blogs.

Charmayne said...

@ EmmaLee - we feel out of touch too!

@Anne - Schools in Oregon are going crazy and we are still waiting to see if Doug will have a job after June 14th.

Steve and Sherrie said...

It's wonderful to hear from you again. We've missed having a small window into your life. We love you guys--you're in our thoughts and prayers.

Lisa said...

Yeah! I've been checking your blog off and on hoping to see some new posts, especially photos of the kids. It is hard to be so far away and we miss seeing all of you. We look forward to the future posts.