Sunday, December 30, 2012

My One Little Word for 2013

My OLW (one little word) this year is "TRANSFORM" ~ I am going to transform my life by transforming my body, mind, spirit, home, etc. This word just came to me out of the blue last week. I wasn't even thinking of my OLW or about resolutions. It so fits what I want this year to be.

Last year my word was "Embrace". I didn't have a clue when I chose that word what all would take place in 2012.  My husband was laid off from teaching, I had to have a hysterectomy and 2 weeks later an artery tore and I had to go back in to surgery for them to repair the artery. I had Sinus surgery. I traveled to Costa Rica and Disneyland with my little family.I have watched my 2 beautiful children continue to grow and learn. I turned 40. It's been an eventful year and I think I have done a good job embracing all that 2012 brought. Now in 2013 I look forward to transforming my life.

2013=Transform ~ I'm 40 years old and I'm ready~this is it! I am grateful this one little word has found me.


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