Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Marlee's Hearty Hibiscus

Marlee loves our Hearty Hibiscus. This year there are over 30-35 + blooms. This picture is actually one taken last year while I was in Hawaii. Doug then helped Marlee send it to me on my phone. Pretty cute.

Congratulations to Marlee ~ she passed level 3 and is now in Level 4 swimming lessons. GREAT JOB MARLEE!!!

Hawaii Dreamin...

Today has been one of those "Calgon ~ take me away" days. Does that saying date me or what!!! :) You name it, it's happened today. Craziness with Daycare, family ~ everything. Oh well, this is life isn't it. :)

My Plumeria bloomed a couple a days ago. Marlee saw it at Walgreen's and bought it for me. It's a yellow Plumeria. Oh, I forget how wonderful they smell. Doug and I were there last year. We went to Oahu and then to Maui. I stayed on after spending 8 fun filled days with Doug. Kristina, Lindz and her family came to Maui so I stayed for an additional 7 days. I was really homesick and will never be away from my kiddos for that long again. But, oh how I love Hawaii ~ so tropical, warm, fragrant, beautiful! Doug and I spent 4 days in Oahu and 4 in Maui. I made my first official trip to Maui 3 years ago with Kristina (just her and I) for a week. I love the Kannapali area. I could live there ~ right now for the rest of my life. Old Lahina is such a fun little town and tons of things to do there. While we were in Oahu Doug and I explored and found a couple of filming locations of the TV Show "Lost". We even found the plane wreckage and brought home and old coconut that was on the set. We only had a couple hours on the North Shore so we went to a Luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center and inbetween the Luau and the Show we ran over to see the Temple. I can't wait to go again and next time bring our kiddo's along with us. Oh how I would love to be back in the Tropical Isles.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A day late and an entry short...

How does time fly by so quickly??? I was going to write at least every other day and here it is already Wednesday. Oh well, no worries!

It's been a busy daycare day today. Marlee and Ian just started up swimming lesson session #2 for the summer. They weren't really keen on it last week but now that they both have new teachers they are really progressing and taking off. Ian is such a little fish naturally. Each time his instructor Takara comes to take him for his turn she has to tap him on his back to get him to come up for air and listen to her instructions. Marlee is more hesitant and definitaly doesn't feel as free in the water as Ian does. However, in the past three days she has made vast improvements thanks to Erin. Marlee keeps saying, "Mom, I love my teacher ~ I know I will pass this level for sure this time". I am so pleased that she is enjoying this session and Ian too! :)

I spoke with my Dad today ~ apparently he called last night looking for a ride to the Hospital again. We were there just last week having prostrate issues. He is now 87 and I think we are on the downhill side of being healthy. He started coughing up blood yesterday. He went in to see his regular family Physician and they ran some tests and we'll find out soon hopefully what the cause is. Most of you know my Dad is from Australia and him and I are the only one's over here in the US from his side of the Family. I feel pretty responsible for him and want to be there to help. So I quickly made him some Chicken and Dumplings, Raspberry Jello and Pistschio Pudding (all soft things due to his throat issues) and drove across town to drop them off. Eight weeks ago he had a TIA (mini-stroke)which scared us all. My Dad is always so cute and has been telling me that pretty soon he'll pushing up the daisies under my feet and I hate to say that that may come sooner than later.

On a lighter note :) ~ Doug finally planted my Hibiscus and other plants here at the new house. We brought over some of our favorites from the old house. It's been crazy weather here - last week it was rainy and so dang humid. Now we are back to normal July day's ~ warm, in the 80's and really pleasant outside. I hope to locate my camera software so I can start posting pictures asap on my blog ~ I think pictures are 75% of the fun!!! We have some incredible "Hearty Hibiscus" that are just gourgeous.

My fingers are beginning to stumble and my bed is calling my name ~ so have a great rest of the week. Tomorrow brings a full day of organizing and clearing more clutter for the garage sale on Friday and Saturday. I can't wait to see all this "Stuff" go to someone else's home. I am craving orginization and simplicity! :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I'm officially entering the world of "blogging".

I started creating this blog a couple of months ago and just haven't been able to be completely happy with the way it looks. However, since I am not computer savvy I have decided it will just have to do for now. So please excuse the little hiccups such as my picture of my favorite flower's Plumeria not being bigger across the top. How do you make it stretch???

My hopes for this blog is to just simply document the daily things in my life. I love reading my friends blogs and every morning I sit down for my 15 minutes a day and read new postings. I am certainly not an eloquent person but that's ok! I just want this to be a place where friends and family can see what's happening in our life.

So, it's Saturday morning and I am still in my jammies ~ gotta luv that! We just moved across the street and up six houses about 7 weeks ago. It's amazing after living in the old house for only 5 years how much "Stuff" (I do have other words for it) we have accumulated. How does that happen??? I guess I have become somewhat of a clutterbug even though that's not something I want to admit. So today will hopefully be the last day of cleaning out the old house. I am hoping to have a huge garage sale next weekend to get rid of all this "stuff".

So I hope you all have a great weekend ~ Happy Blogging to all!!!